
domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012

¿Tienen los niños multi vacunados mayor riesgo de enfermarse que los no vacunados?

En este estudio hecho por Internet  se trata de demostrar que los niños multi vacunados se enferman mas, que los que no se vacunan. Podemos reproducir este estudio en nuestro país.

Les recomiendo leer el artículo completo en el enlace siguiente

Advance Notice on U.S Vaccination Survey / German Study: Vaccinated Children Have More Than Twice the Diseases and Disorders Than Unvaccinated Children

The Journal will be announcing Your Family Vaccination Survey soon. In the meantime, you can register for it and you will receive an email when it is launched. I wanted the Journal readers to see this first.
THE PURPOSE of this survey is to measure significant differences, if any, of immediate and long-term health outcomes (including autism, AD/HD, allergies and asthma) of children and parents who are not vaccinated, partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated within the same family and for all participants combined. It will also ask about infertility, miscarriage, prematurity, vaccinations given during pregnancy and the number of vaccines given at the same time. The survey will also measure any differences in health outcomes across two and three generations.

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